Sage Estates

Sage Estates

14137 Loumis Pkwy, Bluffdale, UT 84065, USA  |  Bluffdale City  |  Salt Lake County

Sage Estates is in a dream loca­tion and has quick access to Red­wood Road and Bangert­er High­way. It is less than a 10 minute dri­ve to var­i­ous gro­cery stores and has won­der­ful school options for fam­i­lies. The sur­round­ing neigh­bor­hoods have 80 acres of open space […]

New Park At Porter’s Crossing

New Park At Porter’s Crossing

4112 East Gazelle Run, Eagle Mountain, UT, USA  |  Eagle Mountain City  |  Utah County

New Park at Porter’s Crossing is a new community coming to Eagle Mountain. The neighborhood is conveniently located off Pony Express Parkway by the Ridley’s Family Market. This community will have large lots that will accommodate both rambler and two […]

Starting From: $500,000
Rasmussen Farms

Rasmussen Farms

12197 South 300 East, Draper, UT 84020, USA  |  Draper City  |  Salt Lake County

Tucked away in a res­i­den­tial pock­et, yet adja­cent to a retail hub off 12300 South, this loca­tion has an excep­tion­al prox­im­i­ty to shop­ping, din­ing, and enter­tain­ment. All Star Bowl­ing, Cow­abun­ga Bay, Cin­e­mark Drap­er, Drap­er Peaks and Drap­er Cross­ing shop­ping cen­ters, are just a few of […]

Mapleton Heights

Mapleton Heights

2975 South 1600 West, Mapleton, UT 84664, USA  |  Mapleton City  |  Utah County

This com­mu­ni­ty fea­tures the most desir­able plans with both ram­bler and 2‑story homes to choose from. Home sites start at 0.20 acres and go up in size. The neigh­bor­hood has beau­ti­ful moun­tain views, sep­a­ra­tion from the busy city, and quick access […]

Starting From: $750,000
Heron’s Landing

Heron’s Landing

1009 West 1560 South, Provo, UT 84601, USA  |  Utah County  |  Provo City

Ide­al for an upbeat lifestyle, Heron’s Land­ing is on the rapid­ly grow­ing west side of Pro­vo. It is less than 2 miles away from an Inter­state 15 on-ramp, near the Pro­vo Towne Cen­tre shop­ping mall which has numer­ous restau­rants, 3 miles from the Pro­vo Air­port that […]

Lexington Green- Saratoga Springs

Lexington Green- Saratoga Springs

898 Independence Way, Saratoga Springs, UT, USA  |  Saratoga Springs City  |  Utah County

Lex­ing­ton Green is per­fect for fam­i­lies with chil­dren of all ages as this com­mu­ni­ty is just a half mile from West Lake High School, Vista Heights Mid­dle School, and Thun­der Ridge Ele­men­tary. On-site ameni­ties include park space, a tot lot, a bas­ket­ball court […]

Starting From: $750,000
Drywood Meadows

Drywood Meadows

1802 East 145 North, Saratoga Springs, UT 84043  |  Saratoga Springs City  |  Utah County

Dry­wood Mead­ows will fea­ture thought­ful­ly designed plans that offer 3 – 4 bed­rooms and include a home office, walk-out base­ments, plus a flex­i­ble loft space stan­dard. Home sites range from 0.23 – 0.26 acres and are less than a mile north of Utah Lake. This neigh­bor­hood is near Pio­neer Cross­ing allow­ing […]

Starting From: $750,000
Orchard Heights of West Jordan

Orchard Heights of West Jordan

6679 West 7870 South, West Jordan, UT 84081, United States  |  Salt Lake County  |  West Jordan City

Orchard Heights is a new West Jor­dan com­mu­ni­ty with spec­tac­u­lar views of the val­ley and Wasatch Front. Locat­ed near 7800 S and Moun­tain View Cor­ri­dor, it is only a short 10 minute dri­ve to the fun activ­i­ties in Day­break or the numer­ous stores and restau­rants in Jor­dan […]

Starting From: $650,000
Brylee Farms

Brylee Farms

660 E Stonebriar Dr, Eagle Mountain, UT  |  Eagle Mountain City  |  Utah County

Our new Brylee Farms community has so much to offer—brand new floor plans specifically designed for this community, amazing amenities to live your best life, and a prime location within Eagle Mountain. Brylee Farms is located just 1.5 miles Northwest […]

Starting From: $450,000
Highgate Cove

Highgate Cove

3618 W 4835 S, Roy, UT 84067, USA  |  Roy City  |  Weber County

High­gate Cove is join­ing the heart of Roy. Imme­di­ate­ly south of Bridge Ele­men­tary, this neigh­bor­hood is high­ly walk­a­ble. Kit­ty cor­ner of High­gate Cove you will find Winegar’s mar­ket, restau­rants, a fit­ness cen­ter, a salon, and more. Every­thing you need is […]

Starting From: $400,000
Ivie Meadows

Ivie Meadows

274 North 825 West, Clearfield, UT 84015, USA  |  Clearfield City  |  Davis County

This com­mu­ni­ty pro­vides a row of stun­ning two-sto­ry, sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes, each with ample and thought­ful­ly designed liv­ing space. Ivie Mead­ows is just out­side of Hill Air Force Base and down­town Clearfield. The neigh­bor­hood is with­in walk­ing dis­tance of Steed Park, […]

Starting From: $600,000