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Breen Homes | Save Thousands With Communnie.
BUY SMART! Save Thousands working with Communie RE

Breen Homes - Save Thousands With Communie

Building Utah's Future One Lot And Home At A Time

Learn How To Save thousands With Breen Homes In Utah's New Homes Communities.

Adam is the owner of Breen Homes and dedicated member to the SLCHBA (Salt Lake City Home Builder Association) and NHBA (National Home Builders Association). Over the past decade he’s built everything from track housing to high end custom homes valued over $5,000,000. Adam graduated from the University of Utah, and found he had a passion for not just swinging a hammer but for designing a project, making it unique and doing it right; on-time, on budget. Although young, Adam has an extensive knowledge of the home building industry from land layout to framing onto design and final touches. Having been a head foremen for a large production builder for over 5 years, he oversaw the construction of 35-50 homes a year. His experience ranges from your starter home, town homes and all the way up to multi-million dollar properties like the house he built for the 2013 Parade of Homes or the cutting edge contemporary one up Emigration Canyon in 2014. Adam is also an integral partner of the Utah Cribs Development Company where he works closely with a group of Realtors and Developers to fulfill his dream of building Utah’s future, one lot and house at a time . His ability to walk a client through the entire process from the right land to design and then construction has been a huge asset to professionals and clients seeking professional help in the industry.