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CK Builders | Save Thousands With Communnie.
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CK Builders - Save Thousands With Communie

Quality That Lasts A lifetime!"

Learn How To Save thousands With CK Builders In Utah's New Homes Communities.

Having a dream to fill a niche in the housing market, Chad Kirkham worked to make his dream a reality by starting CK Builders and incorporating in April of 2002. Focusing on premium products and excellent customer service, Chad ventured out while enlisting the expertise of his wife, Robynn, and lifelong friend, Steve Davis. With more than 50 years of construction experience between the three, a foundation was laid to develop a company whose main focus is: “Quality that lasts a lifetime!”

CK Builders started installing lifetime roofing and exterior products in the Utah inter-mountain area in the spring of 2002. As the company grew so did our geographic installation locations. In 2003, we installed our first roof in Boise, Idaho. In 2004, our first roof was installed in Musselshell, Montana. Since that time, we have installed more than 550 roofs in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming.

In April 2010, CK Builders expanded into the Hi-Line of Montana setting up a permanent division in the spring of 2012. We now have several crews running year round out of this division to service the great people of Montana with all of their construction needs.

We have grown from the company that once offered just roofing, to a company that now offers many premium exterior products, as well as provides custom home construction and home remodeling services. CK Builders is the company you can count on to assist you in taking your home from foundation floors to roofing and to handle everything in between.

CK Builders was created on a foundation of honesty, quality installation, and a lot of hard work. That foundation has been the solid base by which this company has been guided for the past twelve years and by which it will be guided into the future.