Learn more about Communie, the ins and outs of buying, owning a home, and of course saving you money!
Whether you are buying or selling a home, it can be quite an adventurous journey. You need an experienced Real Estate Professional to lead you to your ultimate goal. In this world of instant gratification and internet searches, many sellers […]
Garbett Homes, a Department of Energy (DOE) Housing Innovation Award winner, announced their commitment to certify all 15 single-family homes in the new community of Treseder at Little Cottonwood as DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes.
What the buyer wants is top of mind when it comes to new-home design.
Nick Lehnert*, executive director at Irvine, Calif.–based KTGY, and Mollie Carmichael, principal at John Burns Real Estate Consulting in Irvine, assembled for BIG BUILDER 14 ethnographically informed design trends.
When most people talk about real estate, they envision buying an already-built house on already-landscaped property. However, buying vacant land and building a new home is a great way to ensure that you get the home that you want in the location that you want.
After 40 years and two down turns in the real estate industry, Dave Clark, Founder, President and CEO of Liberty Homes, celebrates the 20th anniversary of Liberty Homes this year after providing thousands of new homes for Utahans and looking forward to building thousands more.
When people purchase their home, one of their common requests is “plenty of light.” And for good reason! This is a critical factor for enjoying your home, and when designing your interior, you should pay special attention to just that: your sources of light.
If you have your heart set on a certain piece of land or have already have home plans, you may want to consider hiring a custom home builder.